How OMFG Brain Health Gummies Boost Focus, Productivity, and Creativity

How OMFG Brain Health Gummies Boost Focus, Productivity, and Creativity

Looking for a tasty way to boost brain function? OMFG Brain Health Gummies help you stay sharp, energized, and inspired, naturally.

Let’s Talk About Cordyceps

Let’s Talk About Cordyceps

Cordyceps seems to be having its day in the sun. Supplements containing them are lining the shelves, people are taking notice of them...

The Neuroscience of Gratitude

The Neuroscience of Gratitude

Did you know that practicing gratitude doesn’t just feel good, but scientific research tells us that it also comes with a whole host of benefits, s...

Why choose OMFG gummies?

Why choose OMFG gummies?

The health benefits of functional mushrooms have been known for millennia, but in recent years science has backed up this traditional knowledge...

What’s all the Fuss About Mushrooms?

What’s all the Fuss About Mushrooms?

We’re delighted to respond to that question. Although the mushrooms we use are not “magic” (psychedelic) mushrooms...

The Struggle is Real: Why Can't I Sleep?

The Struggle is Real: Why Can't I Sleep?

Sleep issues have likely been around for a long time, but according to science, insomnia seems to be getting worse. Adults should sleep 7 or more...

Lion’s Mane and the Aging Brain

Lion’s Mane and the Aging Brain

Behold the wonder-shroom Lion’s Mane - a white, shaggy, fungus that looks like something out of a fairy tale, with its creamy-white cluster...

Let’s Talk Turkey Tail

Let’s Talk Turkey Tail

True to their name, Turkey Tail fungus fans out in multi-colored hues from the wood on which it grows and has a distinct resemblance to the plumage...

Functional Mushrooms and Mental Health

Functional Mushrooms and Mental Health

There are many ways we can support our health through acts of self-care: getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, spending time with...

Let’s Talk About Reishi

Let’s Talk About Reishi

Known as the ‘queen of mushrooms,’ reishi has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for 5,000 years. It was so revered...

What is Chaga? Benefits & Applications

What is Chaga? Benefits & Applications

Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is quite a fascinating and quirky fungus. Not at all resembling a typical ‘mushroom’ or even a ‘shelf’ mushroom...

What's Inside our Mushroom Gummies?

What's Inside our Mushroom Gummies?

There were two problems we set out to solve when we created OMFG gummies: The unknown quality of so many mushroom products and like 40%...